添加时间:新华网图片来源:海洛创意文|桑彤近日,从上海市公积金管理中心获悉,只要是在上海缴存公积金的市民,可在支付宝直接“刷脸”办理公积金查询业务, 真正实现一次都不用跑、一份材料都不用带。记者打开支付宝,选择“城市服务”—“公积金服务”,按照流程指示“刷脸”即可,全程操作不到一分钟。
In fact, Zemin has broken the law directly by refusing to turn over company records and documents as required of by the legal reps and company officials. By refusing to follow these legal obligations, Zemin is criminally liable for his actions.
This was all purposely done to ultimately be delisted from the US NYSE market. Vincent, and those parties who are owed a lot of money from him, made this decision so that they could take all of the assets of the Company for themselves and leave the shareholders with nothing. We are working to undo all of these wrongdoings and to eventually restore the Company and the assets to the benefit of all shareholders.